Pilates is for EVERYONE

One of the things I really like about the Pilates method of exercising is that it is for everyone. It does not matter your age, your current fitness level,  your gender or your size.

Pilates can be very gentle with re-hab remedial exercises, all the way to extremely challenging exercises for the super strong and super flexible and everything in between.

Pilates is an intelligent way of exercising, not just focusing on the surface muscles but importantly the deep stabilisers of all your joints.  It is not just about working your core; it is all your body – your feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, glutes, hips, abdominals, rib-cage, spine, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, wrists, hands, fingers, neck, jaw, head and mind.  All is vital to well-functioning efficient body.

Pilates is much more than just a repertoire of exercises, it is about teaching the body how to move, stand and sit in a better way.


Cancer treatment and Pilates


Pilates for The Equestrian